Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jen's Digi Designs Friday Freebie for Oct 21,2011

Jen's Digi Designs Friday Freebie for :
Oct 21, 2011

This is one of my new favorite digis that Jen has created.... There's just something about the snow... here let me just show you

"Her name is Christmas Gal"

I am actually going to use this digi for some of the Holiday/Christmas Cards that we're going to be sending out this year.  I love how it turned out with the glitter and the gloss that I added to their eyes and her glasses.

here's a close up of the digi colored in using my copics
(I'm still in the learning phase).

I also used some of the crystal stickles that I had to give the snow some sparkle.

I hope you like her.  I also hope you will hop on over to Jen's digi Stamps and pick her up for your very own.  To get her please go here .

And if you like her and decide to buy.  Please let Jen know during your checkout that you saw her digi's here at Peanut Butter & Jelly Designs by Michelle and you can use the discount code : pet during your check out to recieve 5% off of your purchase.

Jen has been super busy cranking out the new digis so hop on over and take a look.

Before I let you go for the day I'd also like to remind you that I will also be participating in

This weekend.... boy do I have a ton of projects to share.... I've been very busy.... so, it should be a good time and there's a good chance there's going to be some blog candy throughout the blog hop.

Thanks for stopping by and I really appreciate reading all of your comments.  If you comment and have a blog please leave the address in your comment so I can stop by and return the favor.  I'm finally slowly getting back into the swing of things from the move..... right now it's hectic with the kids doing the haunted trail and, I've got this stomach bug that just wont go away..... I know it's going around cause the hubs has people going to the ER with it at work....

Enough about my tummy troubles.  TMI (right?)

Come on back this weekend and see what else I have ready!!!!
Be Creative today,

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