Monday, October 31, 2011

Have a Scary Halloween!

The big day is finally here! Thank you to our readers for following the blog. I hope we've provided some inspiration for your dark celebration and maybe unearthed some macabre sources. We leave you with a few pictures from our 2011 decor (more to come on the main site).

Have a Scary Halloween!

The family portraits
The Medusa bust

The Dining Hall of the Dead
Table decor to die for
A wicked Halloween Boo-quet

The 2011 Hauntsville Village

Zombies haunt our porch

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: eBook

Just in time for Halloween, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Interactive eBook has been released for the iPad/iPhone (and it's available for $4.99 for a limited time). Seth Grahame-Smith's mash up of Jane Austen's classic tale of society, manners, love, and zombies is a pitch-perfect comedy, and this ebook edition features rich illustrations to make the experience enjoyable even for people who don't like books. It's brought to us by PadWorx, the mad geniuses behind last year's award-winning Dracula: The Official Stoker Family Edition ebook.

Adam's Scary Apples

Candy apples are the iconic treat of Halloween. Like their caramel counterparts, candy apples require a few careful tricks to ensure success. A candy thermometer is essential, and you'll also need to remove the wax coating from supermarket apples. For inspiration, head over to the Matt Bites blog for the most wicked looking candy apples, and the recipe for Adam's Scary Apples.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pirates of Emerson

A few friends and I attended the Pirates of Emerson haunted attraction this weekend. This attraction has been going strong for 20 years and now features six mazes, as well as fortune tellers, a corn maze, carnival games, pumpkin patch, and other events. Pirates of Emerson has been featured on the Discovery Channel as one of the Seven Scariest Haunted Houses in the Country. It certainly lived up to expectations and the attention to detail is unlike any other attraction in Northern California.

It's Pumpkin Beer Time!

Halloween weekend is finally here, which means it's time to pour a pumpkin beer into a frosty mug! A visit to my regional liquor supermart revealed a world of pumpkin beers. Just a few years ago it was difficult to find any, now there's at least 15 breweries producing this seasonal beer. I'm sure selection varies across the country (and I'd be very interested to hear about your favorites). My favorites this year are the Shock Top Pumpkin Wheat, Samuel Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale, and the Blue Moon Harvest Ale.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Light Show!

This spectacular light show has been making the rounds on the internet and you haven't seen it yet, you must stop what you are doing and see it now. Simply brilliant!

Halloween Weekend: TV Watch

It's a dark, cold night, and you're stuck babysitting tonight while everyone else is at the big dance. Bummer. Maybe there's something on the TV to distract you from all those weird phone calls you've been getting.

First up is the (possible) premiere of Grimm on NBC (9/8C, although it may be bumped by the World Series). Early reviews are just okay but it's always fun to check out new supernatural shows.

The DIY Channel is re-airing their 2010 special Halloween Fright House: Secrets Revealed this weekend (check local listings).

The Food Network's schedule is crammed full of Halloween specials including Sandra Lee's Halloween Wonderland, Alton Brown's All Hallows Eats, Giada at Home Halloween, Challenge: Halloween Ghost Story Cakes, on and on... (check local listings)

The Simpson's annual Halloween episode, Treehouse of Terror airs this Sunday on Fox (8/7C pm).

Discovery Channel's dares to probe horror director Eli Roth (Hostel) on the special How Evil Are You? as they recreate the Milgram experiment and try to find "the evil gene" (Sunday, 9pm).

The Psychoville Halloween special premieres on Sunday at 9pm on FEARnet. This wacky British series is nauseatingly funny, dry, witty and best of all, entertaining!

For those lucky few who have access to the FEARnet network (or FEARnet onDemand), look out for the all-day Trick 'r Treat marathon on Halloween day. Also make sure to check out Sam's appearance on the four new shorts. This movie is required viewing for all Halloween fans.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Friday Freebie From Jen's Digi Stamps

Such another cute digi stamp from Jen's digi Stamps....

If you want to pick up this little guy for your very own you'll have to stop on over to

also right now if you head on over to Jen's Digi Stamps Challenge Blog you can take part in our polka dot challenge who knows you may ever get some free digis out of it.  If your choosen as our winner.

Can't wait to see what you create... if any of my followers are interested in purchasing any of Jen's super cute digis don't forget to use discount code: pet during your check out for 5 % off of your purchase.

Here are a few of the cards that I made for the Polka Dot Challenge

Whisky Hill Tree

A friend sent me this picture of a spooky tree from the backroads of Silicon Valley. There's something both majestic and terrifying about trees – they look like gnarled hands reaching up from the earth. Repeated viewings of Poltergeist and Evil Dead as a youngster probably added to my fear/fascination of trees. The ancient Druids were onto something when they worshipped amongst these trees. Many believe that trees are sacred and hold a powerful spiritual presence or power. Even in our modern society, trees continue to capture the imagination.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse

Our yard haunt has finally gone live and work on Halloween 2011 is officially done!!! This year our theme is "Zombie Apocalypse" and it's a bit on the gruesome side with bloodied tombstones, hanging body parts, and three zombies breaking out of the ground. Hopefully the lil' trick 'r treaters will be make it to the front door. Here's a sneak peak, and more pictures will be posted on the Ghastly Gallery after Halloween.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We are going to be taking her to the family doctor again on friday to let him look at her arm and then I guess we're going to go from there.

We're still icing and have the brace the hospital gave us on her arm.... good news is some of the swelling is going down and she can wiggle her fingers!!!! (not much but, she can so that's good news,right?)

She is still popping Ibiprophen (sp?) every four hours...

She says it's more her forearm that is hurting her now.... that's where the bump is and it's bruised.

I will keep letting you know what's going on...

Keep your fingers crossed for her... she's such a sweet kid and her birthdays coming up on Nov 1st.  So, we're hoping she'll be okay.

I'll be happy as long as there is no permanent damage done to her.... I dont want her living in pain like me... I'll take the extra dose of pain instead of her she's only a kid.

Thanks for all of your blessing and well wishes.  I will let her know your all thinking of her.

Be crafty today and everyday!!!

Eerie Halloween Food

I've been working on new food recipes for the Eerie Entertaining section of (and our Halloween party). First up is bruschetta with port-poached figs, Marscapone cheese and topped with Prosciutto. They look like hearts and skin on toast, although I haven't come up with a clever name.

Then two more cupcakes: Pumpkin Cupcakes with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting, and Chocolate Chiffon Cupcakes with Pumpkin Buttercream Frosting. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Martha Stewart's Haunted House

Martha Stewart's Haunted House special premieres tonight on the Hallmark Channel. From the site: Martha Stewart shows viewers how to turn a two-car garage into a festive fright for family and friends. Viewers will learn how to recreate everything from a wicked lawn scene to a fearful maze through their garage. Friends and family can get into the spirit by helping create the haunt.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

New Challenge this week over at Jens Digi Stamps

Real quick before I get to the challenge info... I'd like to take a second to say thank you to Nicolette for hosting yet another awesomely inspiring blog hop!!!  Also I'd like to say thanks to all of my followers who came out and showed their support by commenting on both of the projects that I did.

Alot of you wanted an update on Brittany's arm.... well, I'm actually typing this up late on Sunday night so I really don't have a different answer yet.... she's still in alot of pain I can tell by her eyes that she's hurting and she's just as stubborn as her mother she never asks for help but, she has been since she got hurt so, i'm saying she's hurt.  I will update if we find out anything else.

okay so now onto this week's challenge over at Jen's Digi Stamps.

This weeks theme is Polka Dots.... so come on and show us what you got.... we'd love to see your take on Polka Dots.  When your done head on over to and link up your card/project  for a chance to win free images.

Here are a few of the cards that I've created with this theme.  Be sure to let me know what you think and which one is your favorite.....

If any of my followers take part in this challenge I'd love to know so I can make sure I check it out.... so if you do come on back here and just let me know.

Thanks for just being you.  Don't forget to be crafty today and everyday.
*****I'm going to be adding these cards to the following challenges.... Yes, I'm challenging myself to enter some challenges.*****
CHRISTMAS COME EARLY  over at Crafting when we Can

Halloween T-Shirts

Walk into any major retailer and you'll find an assortment of really cool, inexpensive Halloween tees for women, girls and boys – but none for guys! According to a Target rep Halloween t-shirts for dudes never sell. Um, years ago when you carried them, they always sold out... immediately. Since then we get the stupid "this is my costume" shirts or an even lamer "doctor's scrubs" tee. Seriously lame. (Although apparently, holiday boxers are all the rage?!?) JcPenny does have a neat "Bite Me" shirt on sale for $5.99, and Kohls has a "Skeleton" tee. Seeming as how most guys don't like to wear costumes, these shirts might be a great alternative.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 2 of Nicolette's Fall/Halloween Blog Hop

***Okay so before I get to my post for the 2nd day of the hop let me fill you in on ..... my day yesterday.... Okay if you saw my post from yesterday then you should remember that my kids and I were volunteering at the Pardeesville Haunted Trail... Okay so last night at 10:30ish while I was sitting in my car taking a breather I got a tap, tap at the window and I looked up and it was my son's friend's father  telling me that my daughter took a spill and that they really thought that I needed to take her to the hospital for x-rays!!!  The vote was something was broken let me tell ya it looked real BAD!!!!  Swollen and black and blue.  Good news is she wasn't crying so I was relieved.  I'll sum it up real quick.... my daughter said it wasn't that bad it just hurt and she thought she jammed her pinky (which she does alot with basketball)
so I had someone find my son and we rushed home.... my hubs works at one of the hospitals  and he was done his shift and he was on his was so I wanted to wait for him.
When hubs got home he said that the bumps and lumps on her arm weren't normal and they were bone and she should go to the hospital so by 1:30 we were on our way to the hospital.
At 4:30 after x-rays they tell us it's too swollen to get a good read so her arm is in a brace and we need to wait till Monday for them to call us so we can take her back for x-rays and see what's going on.
I went to bed at 5:45am then I got up at 11:00am and finished up my project, let me tell ya nothing went as planned ..... so, i'm sorry I was alittle getting this up late.
Fall & Halloween Blog Hop

I'm so happy that you are joining us for this fabulous blog hop. Autumn/Fall/Halloween happen to be my most favorite time of the year it's awesome!!!!

I'd like to say thank you to my bloggy friend Nicolette for letting me be a part of this blog hop.
If you just happened to stop by my blog today I'd love for you to hop on over to Nicolette's Blog Beyond Scrappin right here .

Blog Candy: Please read each blog to see what they're requirements are as to winning. For my blog candy, I am hoping to hit 500 followers and once I do I'm going to having a giveaway of many different items that I've picked up along the way. I'm opening it up to my followers. My regulars and I know who they are will have extra chances to win. So if your not a follower and you like what you see please feel free to sign up and if you do sign up leave me your blog addy so that I can return the favor to you.

If your making your way thru the hop then you should be arriving at my blog by the way of Leslie's Blog leslierahye. Isn't her blog beautiful? I love looking at all of the different types of crafts she does.
Okay so here is the Fall wreath that I made for the hop.  I hope that you like it.

I'm not going into all of the details with this cause honestly..... I'm tired and pooped from yesterday and today and my RSD is really acting up so I'm not a happy camper. 

and it's 12:45am on Sunday morning.   Good night everyone!!!

I will be sending you on your way to the very capable hands of Pam over at Scrapbook Flair another one of my favorite blogs to visit. I hope that you will come on back tomorrow and see what I've got cooked up. I'm still working on a Fall wreath... if I finish it up I will have it for you.

Thanks for stopping by.
Be Creative today and everyday.

Paranormal Activity 3: Review

Creepier, action-packed, non-stop tension, likable characters, and even some humor – everything part 2 messed up (and thankfully, no supporting role for a pool cleaner). Much, much better than part 2 and a great companion piece for the original classic. One thing to mention, is that either the filmmakers are either toying with us (or maybe it was heavily re-edited) but 75% of what was in the "official" trailer was nowhere in the film. Oooooooor, perhaps they were showing scenes from part 4. Who knows?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Welcome to day one of Nicolette's Fall & Halloween Blog Hop

Fall & Halloween Blog Hop

I'm so happy that you are joining us for this fabulous blog hop.  Autumn/Fall/Halloween happen to be my most favorite time of the year it's awesome!!!!

I'd like to say thank you to my bloggy friend Nicolette for letting me be a part of this blog hop.
If you just happened to stop by my blog today I'd love for you to hop on over to Nicolette's Blog Beyond Scrappin right here .

Blog Candy:  Please read each blog to see what they're requirements are as to winning.  For my blog candy, I am hoping to hit 500 followers and once I do I'm going to having a giveaway of many different items that I've picked up along the way.  I'm opening it up to my followers.  My regulars and I know who they are will have extra chances to win.  So if your not a follower and you like what you see please feel free to sign up and if you do sign up leave me your blog addy so that I can return the favor to you.

If your making your way thru the hop then you should be arriving at my blog by the way of Leslie's Blog leslierahye. Isn't her blog beautiful?  I love looking at all of the different types of crafts she does.

Okay so for my project today I'm going to be sharing with you two signs that I had to make up for a haunted trail that my kids volunteer at every year, in Pardeesville, Pa.

They have a huge section of the trail this year and there are two different sections so here's the sign for the first section.

This sign is for the section that they actually have roped off so that you can't enter Heaven, of course!!!

I bet you can guess what the next sign is going to be related too...

Yeppers it's the "Gates of Hell"  Come on it's a Haunted Trail they want to scare the b'geesus out of people.  The hell sign happens to be my favorite.... the hubs added the red food coloring for the look of blood ..... I love how it came out.

The, "You can check-in anytime you like but you can never leave"  Wasn't a total rip off of the line in the Eagles song Hotel California but, it was our small shout out to the song indirectly.

I'm pleased with how these two signs came out and it was a snap making them using both my Gypsy and my Cricut E2 and with the ability to do these in my new Craftroom or "Brandi's Bedroom" as it's now referred to.... ( for those who don't know who brandi is.  She is our 3 year old German Shepherd who is super intellegent.  In her head she knows that there are four bedrooms and, Jordan has his room, Brittany has her room and The Hubs and I have our room so there's an extra room.  That I leave the door open too and several times throughout the day she will take herself in there and spread out on the floor... she even goes in there at night when we're asleep.... I think it's funny and cute.  She has claimed my craftroom as her bedroom.

Okay I wont keep you any longer.

I will be sending you on your way to the very capable hands of  Pam over at Scrapbook Flair another one of my favorite blogs to visit.  I hope that you will come on back tomorrow and see what I've got cooked up.  I'm still working on a Fall wreath... if I finish it up I will have it for you.

Thanks for stopping by.
Be Creative today and everyday.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jen's Digi Designs Friday Freebie for Oct 21,2011

Jen's Digi Designs Friday Freebie for :
Oct 21, 2011

This is one of my new favorite digis that Jen has created.... There's just something about the snow... here let me just show you

"Her name is Christmas Gal"

I am actually going to use this digi for some of the Holiday/Christmas Cards that we're going to be sending out this year.  I love how it turned out with the glitter and the gloss that I added to their eyes and her glasses.

here's a close up of the digi colored in using my copics
(I'm still in the learning phase).

I also used some of the crystal stickles that I had to give the snow some sparkle.

I hope you like her.  I also hope you will hop on over to Jen's digi Stamps and pick her up for your very own.  To get her please go here .

And if you like her and decide to buy.  Please let Jen know during your checkout that you saw her digi's here at Peanut Butter & Jelly Designs by Michelle and you can use the discount code : pet during your check out to recieve 5% off of your purchase.

Jen has been super busy cranking out the new digis so hop on over and take a look.

Before I let you go for the day I'd also like to remind you that I will also be participating in

This weekend.... boy do I have a ton of projects to share.... I've been very busy.... so, it should be a good time and there's a good chance there's going to be some blog candy throughout the blog hop.

Thanks for stopping by and I really appreciate reading all of your comments.  If you comment and have a blog please leave the address in your comment so I can stop by and return the favor.  I'm finally slowly getting back into the swing of things from the move..... right now it's hectic with the kids doing the haunted trail and, I've got this stomach bug that just wont go away..... I know it's going around cause the hubs has people going to the ER with it at work....

Enough about my tummy troubles.  TMI (right?)

Come on back this weekend and see what else I have ready!!!!
Be Creative today,

Costco Candy

Trick 'r treat time is just around the corner! Stock up today on Costco's dwindling supply of chocolate candy bags, 150 pieces for $13.99 in our neck of the woods. Last year we counted almost 250 trick 'r treaters (some of them repeats), so we need at least 2 bags and a strict 2-piece per child allotment no matter how precious. That gives me 50 extra pieces that will likely be consumed by the Candy Disbursement Team (or the secret eaters in my household).

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Halloween City

Party City is a great place for costumes and this time of year they launch their seasonal Halloween City stores. While they don't have the immense selection of that other Halloween store, they do offer great prices, buy one get one offers, and friendly service. Visit the Halloween City for locations and a 20% off coupon.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Zombie Pumpkins

After the decorating, party planning, village building and Autumn baking, the last thing to do before Halloween night is the pumpkin carving. Once butchered, pumpkins don't last too long here in Northern California where the cold nights lead to really warm days. Usually the carving happens during the afternoon of Halloween day. If you are new to pumpkin carving or need a a refresher, we've put together a visual step-by-step Pumpkin Carving guide.

Downloading a pumpkin carving stencil will also make things easier. Zombie Pumpkins continues to offer the best, most original patterns out there and you can download and print them right from their website. Their website changes it's theme every year and this year it's called "The Spirit of Zombie Pumpkins". Wickedly awesome!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Thank You!!!!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by this past weekend for the:

I'd also like to thank our wonderful hostess Kathryn for pulling off yet another great and very inspirational hop full of ubber creative ladies.  Girls you all were wonderful and I myself have seen some things that I would love to recreate in my own way.

I'd also like to remind you that this weekend I will also be in another hop this one is being hosted by the ever so crafty Nicolette!!!!

This hop will be featuring more fall fun.  I'm sure there will be more Halloween fun and some wonderful ideas for Thanksgiving. 

Where I live leaves have already turned thanks to all of that rain we had and, they are now falling from the trees.... ( My kids are gonna love it!!!! They get to rake!!!!)--- it's okay they are paid handsomely for doing so.  It's the same thing every year we wait for them to turn and then it rains, gets chilly they turn and  before you can enjoy it they are already gone seems like it takes the most two weeks!!!!

I'm finally slowely getting back to crafting.... boy moving has really taken alot of me and during all of this I switched pain meds and they knock me out!!!  I take them they make me sleepy I take a nap and then I'm good to go and I'm up all night would be nice if I could sleep normal hours.

Enough about me .....
I hope that you will come on back this weekend and join me for the hop.  I really do appreciate those regular followers of mine.  You are the ones who show up to all the hops.  I really appreciate your support it means alot.  I cherish each and everyone of you.... I have some things I'd love to do next year with my blog and I'm hoping that I can make it happen.  I just have to put my mind to it.  I may be calling on a few of you for some help.

Take care and be creative today,

The Thing: Review

Purists will rightly scoff at this prequel to John Carpenter’s The Thing. It may not have the depth of dread, finesse, or pace of Carpenter’s classic but there's still a lot to like. This Thing is faster, leaner and though a bit CGI-heavy, there were some outstanding practical effects (a rarity nowadays). Towards the end several scenes cleverly bridge this prequel with the subsequent film, but still, quite a few questions remained unanswered. Maybe they’re saving that for the actual sequel! As popcorn movies go, it's entertaining enough and horrible monsters are always a blast.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Walking Dead tonight!

The long, slow slog to the season 2 premiere of The Walking Dead is finally upon us. Rejoice zombie fans! Entertainment Weekly had advised to eat at least 30 minutes before watching the episode since much grisly gore is in store. Tune into AMC at 9/8 CT.

Zombie Dog

The Fright Catalog never fails to impress. Take a look at this Zombie Dog. For $26 bucks this devilish fellow can sit right by you on the porch as you hand out candy. It will fit perfectly into any pet cemetery scene. Speaking of which, the remake of Stephen King's Pet Sematary is rumored to be underway at Paramount with director Alexandre Aja at the helm. Aja was behind the masterful French horror film High Tension, the creepy Mirrors, and the fun Piranha remake. If anyone can reinvent King's unsavory story into a dire film, it's Aja.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 2 Halloween Trick or Treat Blog Hop

Welcome Back !!!!
Welcome to Day 2 of Kathryn's
Halloween Trick or Treat Blog Hop

Welcome to day 2 of the Halloween Trick or Treat Blog Hop. If you've been hopping your way thru our SPOOKTACULAR Blog Hop then you should be arriving here from Denise L.s Blog "Vindeeloo's This N That"

If your a follower of my blog then you know for the last few weeks I've been moving and very busy and not to much blogging or facebooking going on.... I miss it yes but, I'm just too busy to think about it.  I'm still trying to get the house organized... all of the immediate things are away but, there are still things that need to be done.... and with my condition... I can only do so much at a time and then I just can't do anything else.

But enough about me and what's been going on. I just love this time of year.

I'm so glad that Kathryn allowed me to take part in her Halloween Blog Hop. I just love Halloween. If you would like to start at the beginning of the hop. Jump on your broom and fly on over to Kathryn's blog right here (No, I'm not calling you a witch, just getting in the Holiday Spirit!!!!) As for Treats in the form of BLOG CANDY please see each individual Blog for what they are offerring. I have a message about my CANDY at the end of my post.
For my post today I needed to make up some shirts for my son and his friend because they are going to be on TV this upcoming Tuesday promoting a Haunted Trail that both they and my daughter all volunteer there and they have lots of fun.  Where we live in the woods there really isn't any trick or treating and my kids are teenagers anyway.
So, back for Father's Day (Yes, your going to be reading this right)  My wonderful husband purchased me a YUDU machine... I like it, I don't love it.  I haven't used it enough to fall in love with it like my Gypsy or my Cricut Expression machines.
Okay so here are some pictures of the process.

For my project I used both my Gypsy and my Cricut to cut out the wording for the T-Shirts.

This is what it looked like when I was done cutting out the letters and sticking them on white paper.
Then this is the paper I was going to use to make the template that I was going to use to make the shirts.

So, I took this and .....

I grabbed my printer.  To make a copy of what I just made.

I placed the sheet that I made face down on my printer then I loaded a sheet of this into my printers paper tray.

Here's what the sheet actually looks like .

When you print on the sheet you have to make sure you print on the dull/sticky side of the page.  Here's what it looks like when it comes out of the printer.

Then this page goes onto of the YUDU machine so that you can burn it onto the emulsion sheet.

I can't show you the emulsion sheet because your supposed to keep them in the dark as much as possible...  At this point you take the screen with the emulsion sheet on it and you hit the sun button that's on the machine about 8 minutes and then you take the screen with the now blue emulsion sheet on it and you wash the green emulsion off of the screen that you just burned.
Thank you for your help Brittany... she likes to do this part!
Here's how it looks when it's all finished

Then you take this prepared screen place it in your YUDU along with what your going to print on in my case an orange shirt.  Before you place the YUDU lid down onto what your printing on you need to flood the screen with ink.  Sorry no pics of this step... cause at this point you need to work fast.

But here's what we ended up with:

The only thing left to do is for me to heat set the ink on the shirts with a warm Iron.  I have to still do that.

So, Thanks for stopping by today.

Now, I'm going to magically send you on your journey to Paula's Blog , "Scrap Your World"

If your interested in purchasing any of Jen's Digi Stamps that I used here please feel free to stop on by her site where you can purchase them and see all of the other wonderful digi's that she offers. Also as a special treat if you'd like to purchase any of her digi's please feel free to use coupon code: pet during check out to recieve a special 5% discount just for letting her know you saw her here at Peanut Butter & Jelly Designs by Michelle

Again, Thank you for stopping by and hope that you will join me again here tomorrow for another treat. Also if your not already a follwer please follow if you like what you see. I am offering a token of thanks to one of my faithful followers when I reach 500 followers.

Be Creative Today and Everyday,